04 February 2017

Bitcoin in the News : 2017-01 Price

Once again, as in

I find that the dominant bitcoin news story of the previous month was its price action. Instead of gathering stories from a number of different news sources, perhaps I would be better served by finding a single reliable source for all of the month's relevant stories. But which one? A few months ago I analyzed

  • Bitcoin in the News : Sources (October 2016) • 'General news sources often appearing in bitcoin news feeds:- [excluding bitcoin specific sources; ranked in descending order]'

where finance.yahoo.com was the top source. I looked at it again for 5-10 minutes, but couldn't locate any sort of regular, recurring analysis centered on bitcoin price. Perhaps it would be better to look at bitcoin specific sources. Again: which one?

Looking at my short list of January 2017 stories -- which I'll tackle in my next post -- the site that pops up the most often is cointelegraph.com. In addition, their articles often (always?) feature a bold graphic to add visual interest to the underlying story. Bingo! The page

seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. Of the 15-20 stories covering the month of January, I found a half-dozen that documented the January price action:-

On top of that verbal analysis, another page on the site offers a chart which can be tailored to display the latest month.

Bitcoin Price Index

The top portion of the chart shows January; the bottom portion shows January in relation to the historical, long-term price. The Cointelegraph services should be useful the next time I need a rapid analysis of the preceding month's bitcoin price.

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